Global Media

for Visionary Resorts

Our Activities...

International - National - Local - National Awards

Below is a listing of just some of the projects, consulting, training, and speaking engagements we completed.


Presenter and Moderator- Streaming Media Europe 2010 Conference -London, UK –“Creating End-to-End Smooth Streaming Video Solutions with Silverlight and IIS Media Services”, - Workshop of the end-to-end steps required to encode, manage, and deliver live streaming broadcasts with Silverlight and IIS7. Plan the production workflow and organize your Windows Server infrastructure to target Silverlight or Windows Media Player. Additional topics include server-side playlists, distributing your live broadcast via a CDN, techniques for archiving and distributing the event on-demand, and an overview of digital rights management. This workshop will broadcast live from the venue.

Mobile Video: Creation and Delivery”- Workshop on how to stream both from and to mobile devices, diving deep into both technical and business concerns and exploring the latest tools for live distribution, mobile video creation, and social interaction. Encode both live and on-demand video and stream it to audiences using the iPad/ iPhone, IIS7, Expression Encoder, Silverlight, and QuickTime. Use the new HTML5 <video> tag to embed video in mobile web pages and see how easily video can be included in social media.

Presenter – “Heads Up Session – Developing Mobile Live and On-Demand Video For Social Media Sites: Tools and Tips” - An overview of the live and on-demand tools doe developing a mobile delivery system for a business to do live presentations to customers, employees, etc. and promote their brand though social media sites and archive the media for on-demand viewing.

Presenter - Global Learn 2010 - Global Conference on Learning and Technology –Penang, Malaysia -an international coalition of leaders and organizations developing a global exchange on learning and technology. Going Global and Mobile - Developing Media for Global Learning-Global networks and mobile learning technologies have finally made international e-learning a reality on many handheld devices. Session focus is on developing media for international education distribution.

AACE Mobile Development Committee– executive advisory and development group of education and industry leaders engaged in developing targeted mobile applications for multiple international conferences.

Presenter - Streaming Media Europe 2009 Conference-London, UK –“Live Broadcasting for Silverlight and Windows Media Player”Workshop of the end-to-end steps required to encode, manage, and deliver live streaming broadcasts with Silverlight. Plan the production workflow and organize your Windows Server infrastructure to target Silverlight or Windows Media Player. Additional topics include server-side playlists, distributing your live broadcast via a CDN, techniques for archiving and distributing the event on-demand, and an overview of digital rights management. This workshop will broadcast live from the venue.

Presenter – “Heads Up Session - Putting Your Live and On-Demand Video on Social Media Sites: Tools and Tips” - An overview of the live and on-demand tools that make it easy for a business to do live presentations to customers, employees, etc. and promote their brand though social media sites and archive the media for on-demand viewing.

Presenter - Streaming Media East 2009 Conference- New York, NY "Making Effective Online video for Education" Today's students expect more than a classroom lecture. They expect to be able to access course content and the entire universe of related archival and research material from anywhere, at any time. Learn what top universities and corporate training departments are doing to keep up with the demands and expectations of these students. This forum discusses the tools and best practices for delivering elearning in the age of broadband, IPTV, iPods, and instant access.

Presenter – Streaming Media Europe 2008 ConferenceLondon, UK - "Webcasting Essentials" - Methodology for implementing the five phases of a webcast: planning, production, encoding, authoring and distribution. The workshop itself is treated as a webcast, with the creation of several live webcasts from the workshop. This workshop covers production techniques and encoding hardware and software including Microsoft Expression Encoder, Windows Media Encoder and Flash Media Encoder.

– “Heads Up Session - Expression Encoder and Silverlight Live Streaming - An overview of using Microsoft Expression Encoder 2 to create on-demand video assets. Creation of application packages with all necessary media and support files and view it with the Silverlight Live Streaming service.

And more below....

Presenter, and Trainer –ED Media2008, Vienna, Austria The World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications - "New Media in Education: The “How to Do It” Tutorial" - A “How-to” in development of new media projects, various methods of creating content, and means of presenting to a global audience. Creation of on-demand videos, a podcast, a video podcast, and a live webcast during the session. Adobe, Microsoft, Real, QuickTime, and MPEG-4 have all made significant during the past year. Delivery to cell phones, handhelds, and multiple devices, and IPTV is now a reality.

Presenter, and Trainer –ED Media2007, Vancouver, BC, Canada – The World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications - MAKING MEDIA 2007- EVERYBODY’S DOING IT! - development of educational media assets using emerging technologies, three-screen applications, video blogs, webcasting, podcasting, and media development for mobile handheld devices.

Presenter and Trainer – ED-MEDIA2005, Montreal, Quebec, Canada – The World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, “FIVE STREAMING MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES FOR 2005” – ISO MPEG4, Real, Windows Media, QuickTime, Flash live streaming and VOD.

Presenter, and Trainer –ED Media2004, Lugano, Switzerland and ED-MEDIA 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii – The World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications - STREAMING MEDIA 2003 –MULTIPLE MEDIA - development of educational media assets using emerging technologies, the new ISO MPEG-4 standard, new development tools, and the positive impact of media on learning.

Presenter and Trainer – E-LEARN 2002, Montreal, Quebec, Canada – The World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education - STREAMING MEDIA 2002 –MEDIA IN EDUCATION - development of educational media assets using emerging technologies, the new ISO MPEG-4 standard, new development tools, and the positive impact of media on learning

Presenter and Trainer – ED-MEDIA 2001, Tampere, Finland – The World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications - STREAMING MEDIA 2001 – A MEDIA ODYSSEY –developing and integrating media assets and instructional technologies.

Presenter and Trainer – ED-MEDIA 2000, Montreal, Quebec, Canada – The World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications - creating on-line media content, presentations, audio, video, and live broadcasts.

Accepted presenter - ICCE 99, Chiba, Japan - 7th International Conference on Computers in Education, “NEW HUMAN ABILITIES FOR THE NETWORKED SOCIETY”. Adding dynamic, multimedia content to educational website development and distance learning applications.

Presenter and Trainer - ICCE 98, Beijing, China - The Sixth International Conference on Computers in Education. The conference focus, "GLOBAL EDUCATION ON THE NET" served to foster the creation and dissemination of knowledge about the use of information technology in education. Presentations and training sessions on basic and advanced website development, electronic curriculum content distribution, and distance education.

Presenter - Educational Computing Organization of Ontario (ECOO), Toronto, Canada-on the topics of multimedia applications, critical thinking, and cross-curriculum computer technology integration in education. The conference is the largest gathering of educational technology administrators and faculty in Canada with over 2000 attendees.



Moderator and Presenter – Streaming Media West 2007 Conference– San Jose, CA – “MARKETING YOUR INSTITUTION WITH MEDIA” – methods, hardware, software, and application development to enhance the global reach of business using on-line and mobile media technologies.

Inaugural Member – National Academy of Media Arts and Sciences - The National Academy of Media Arts and Sciences is an industry association that advances the development and integration of new media and works to educate markets on the applications of converged media technologies.

Contributor- STREAMING MEDIA MAGAZINE, Co-editor and contributor - HIGHER EDUCATION MEDIA blog. Magazine article “MARKETING YOUR INSTITUTION WITH NEW MEDIA” and weekly contributor to new Higher Education blog highlighting applications and new media development in institutions.

Moderator and Presenter – Streaming Media East 2007 Conference– New York, New York – “MOBILE STREAMING: DEVELOPMENT, DEPLOYMENT, AND DISTRIBUTION” – standards, application development, and distribution of mobile content to multiple handheld devices. Repurposing of two-screen content for mobile distribution.

Blue-ribbon panel Judge -57th Annual Technology & Engineering EMMY® Awards - Advanced Media Technology, Creation of Non-Traditional Programs or Platforms

Member- National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences-Advanced Media Committee

Member – National Association of Broadcasters - The National Association of Broadcasters is a trade association that advocates on behalf of more than 8,300 free, local radio and television stations and also broadcast networks before Congress, the Federal Communications Commission and the Courts.

Presenter and Trainer – E-LEARN 2006, Honolulu, HI – The World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education - 2006-THE YEAR OF THE ON-LINE MEDIA EXPLOSION- video podcasting, RSS, video blogs, and podcasting in education and corporate environments, using MPEG-4 to maximize quality at lower bandwidths to multiple devices. Maximizing streaming capabilities for live and on-demand presentation.

Presenter, and Trainer –ED Media2006, Orlando, FL – The World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications - THE MEDIA EXPLOSION -LIVE AND ON-DEMAND 2006- development of educational media assets using emerging technologies, the growth of the new ISO MPEG-4 standard, Webcasting, podcasting, and media development for handheld devices.

Moderator and Presenter – Streaming Media East 2006 Conference– New York, New York – “RICH MEDIA AND THE ROAD TO CONVERGENCE” - convergence between TVs, mobile phones, computers, DVRs, and other addressable devices and other addressable devices over IP networks. ”WEBCASTING: SELECTING THE RIGHT HARDWARE & SOFTWARE” - selecting the best-of-breed capture cards, lighting, audio mixers, video hardware, and webcasting software for high-quality webcasts.

Moderator and Presenter – Streaming Media East 2005 Conference– New York, New York – “STREAMING & VIDEO CONFERENCING TECHNOLOGY” – methods by which streaming and videoconferencing work together, some of the obstacles to further synergy, how to overcome them, and the top videoconferencing solutions coming in 2005.

Moderator and Presenter – Streaming Media West 2004 Conference– Santa Clara, CA, “STREAMING IN THE UNIVERSITY: BEYOND DISTANCE LEARNING” - How educational institutions are using streaming for more than just distance learning, and how enterprises can use streaming techniques developed in academia to enhance learning and corporate training initiatives.

Presenter, Presider, and Trainer – ED-MEDIA 2002, Denver, Colorado – The World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications - STREAMING MEDIA 2002 –MEDIA FOR ALL - development of streaming multimedia assets, various methods of creating content, conversion to appropriate format, and broadcasting. Developing media for low-bandwidth handheld computing applications and demonstration of high-performance videoconferencing using Internet 2.

Featured presenter - 5th Biennial National Health Occupations Curriculum Conference, Buffalo, NY. Presentation and training session topic: “MARKETING YOUR PROGRAMS IN CYBERSPACE”. Maximizing the Internet marketing aspects of global programs. Developed web site to highlight the use of the Internet.



Project development - Holiday Valley Resort - 50th Anniversary celebration; designed, developed, and marketed the Anniversary DVD. Developed companion web site with streaming and progressive media technologies.

Finalist – 2006 BETA Awards - THE BUFFALO/NIAGARA EMERGING TECHNOLOGY AWARDS seek to discover, honor, and promote the efforts of local & regional companies, organizations, and individuals who are the innovators, creators, and advocates of new technologies, new methods of integrating technology and economic development through technology in Western New York.

Member – InfoTech Niagara - a rapidly growing consortium of multi-sized software, hardware, telecommunications companies, government and economic agencies, and educational institutions. The organizational purpose is to address industry-specific issues such as workforce development, technology transfer, networking, access to financing, and attracting new business to the region.

Marketing and Technology Committee Member – Buffalo Niagara WIFI - a public/private collaboration telecommunication providers, local and state government, and educational institutions to provide wireless Internet access in public spaces using Wi-Fi technology to improve and promote the Buffalo Niagara region.

Steering Committee- Western New York Partnership for Regional Internetworking. - a new advocacy and working group of over 30 regional organizations working towards establishing the robust and seamless regional public sector internetworking that will be necessary to support public benefit networked video applications in education, healthcare and government service. Sought grant funding for initial development.


National Awards

National winner - Microsoft "Innovator in Higher Education Challenge", showcased academic innovations in higher education. Entry of "SCHOOL-TO-SCHOOL-TO-WORK" highlighted innovation of linking cooperative college workgroups with local businesses and industries.

National winner - Microsoft Site Builder Network. Winner in the Microsoft “Activate the Internet Contest” Winning sites chosen for technical excellence, implementation of ActiveX Technology, and overall site design and functionality.


Blasting snow off the snowboard comp wall ride .